“Sánchez-Aguilera remains in control of the grand scheme and plays everything so compelling that you as a listener as matter of course go along with the composer’s sense of time and simply forget time itself.”  (Klassieke Zaken)

“Sanchez–Aguilera’s recording debut […] puts him firmly in the pantheon of people who have tackled Sorabji and won.” (American Record Guide)

“Abel Sánchez-Aguilera has given us a colossal performance of a seemingly endless work; the accuracy and rigour of someone who knows well the ill-named contemporary repertoire, and a perseverance and courage found in very few pianists” (Melómano)

“A double revelation”  (Scherzo)

“It is an assured performance, and the piano is beautifully recorded, making this two-disc set an absolute winner.” (Fanfare)